Einst von Seeleuten besungen und begehrt, erfreut sich Rum heute wieder großer Beliebtheit. Kein Wunder, denn der Duft tropischer Früchte und die Leidenschaft der Karibik bringen Sie so richtig in Schwung. Ausgesuchte Eichenfässer, acht Jahre lang verschlossen: Das Ergebnis ist eine fein abgestimmte Mischung, die nicht nur pur, sondern auch im Cocktail teuflisch gut schmeckt.
Ohne den Zusatz von Zuckerkaramell und ohne Kältefiltration ist dieser Rum zudem so natürlich, wie er nur sein kann.
0,7L | 41 % VOL
Product information
We have put a lot of effort into ensuring the quality of our craftsmanship and raw materials so that you receive the best quality product.
We promise that the real, caring people behind our customer support team will do their best to make sure you’re satisfied before, during, and long after your purchase, so don’t hesitate to reach out to them at any point during the buying process.
The Alpinist is a premium blend of rare Spanish-style rum from three different countries: the maturity time of at least 8 years ensures soft, light and fruity aromas.
Dominic. Rep.
The rum made from molasses with strong Cuban influences is known for its soft and mild distilled taste.
The full-bodied rum with powerful aromas, reminiscent of nuts or cocoa, provides a distinct texture.
Rum has been made in Panama and shipped all over the world for over 100 years.

The large Aletsch Glacier
Normal water is not good enough for our premium spirits. We use Swiss glacial water, which has its source at an altitude of over 3’160 meters on the Jungfraujoch!
The Aletsch glacier is the biggest and longest glacier in the Alps. Between the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau, it has its own ice tunnels on the Jungfraujoch. These are the source of the glacial water, which is used to reduce the distillate to bottling strength. The natural glacial water gives our spirits a particularly soft and pleasant flavour.

Matured for at least 8 years, The Alpinist Rare Blend Rum impresses with its full-bodied taste and its diverse texture. Tastes excellent neat, in a cocktail or long drink.
1. In the nose
A fine fragrance of coconut, dried vanilla pods and light nougat.
2. On the palate
Soft and spicy with slight pepper tones. Fully-mature pears with creamy caramel tones. Fine nuances of dark chocolate.
3. The aftertaste
Notes of toffee, banana and coconut accompany a long-lasting and warming aftertaste.

Soak the sugar cube with Angostura and crush it together with lemon/orange quarters in a tumbler, using a pestle. Add an ice cube, pour rum over it, stir and fill the glass with some soda or water.
2 dashes of Angostura
5 cl Rum
Lemon & Orange
Some soda water
1 sugar cube

Recognized globally as one of the world's finest Rums.